🎨Design Your Mobile App

Build your first mobile app screens, upload images and find stock photos and icons to customize your app. Get started easily with drag & drop components.

2. Click on "Add Screen" in the "Build" tab to add more screens to your app

3. Click on the Screen Name at the top left corner to Edit the Screen Name, Screen Height and Screen Background Color

4. Right click on a Screen to Duplicate, Delete or Move the Screen

5. Click on Upload Image in the Left Panel to Add Photos to your app

6. Click on Upload Images to select an image or Drag an Image into the upload box

7. Click on Done once the image is uploaded

8. The images will be uploaded in the "Asset" tab on the left

9. Drag and drop your uploaded image onto the canvas

10. Click on Stock to search for free stock images from Unsplash

11. Search for the stock images you need for your app

12. Drag & drop images onto the canvas

13. Click on Icons to search for free Google Material Icons

14. Drag & drop your favorite icons onto the canvas

Last updated